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    Olivier Richard

    BPM Ecstasy

    Documentary serie
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    Olivier Richard


    BPM ECSTASY explores the once-vibrant techno scenes of Beijing and Taipei, offering an intimate glimpse into the subculture and the post-pandemic state of DJing. The series features renowned DJs like SUNK, tamiX, Elvis.T, and more, highlighting the shared history of electronic music in China and Taiwan. It bridges distinct subcultures, fostering a sense of global community.



    Documentary Serie – 8 x 20 min

    in coproduction with Volos Films (Taipei)

    Distributors: Arte, Taiwan+

    Theatrical release in France: November, 2021


    Director & Screenwriter: Olivier Richard

    Photography & Sound: Olivier Richard

    Editors: Pierre Jalibert, Ichu Lin

    Chef operator: Lucas Audoly

    Sound Chef Operator: Yun Xe-Loussignian

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